How about this weather?! (Weather chat, eh, it's like we are on our first date).
Apparently it's Summer? HA, I didn't know either! (Sorry, by writing "ha" do I sound too much like a "Lame Zoe Foster Impostor" to you, dear anonymous commenter?)* Mother Nature sure has her sad face on as of late, tops of 20, lows of 14, and it snowed at Thredbo.
Instead of going to the beach, I just plan on skiing all Summer. 'Twill be grande!
What am I packing for my days at the snow, I hear you ask?
What a great question! I was actually going to write a blog post about what I will pack in my handbag, come Snow Day. Now I definitely will.
(L-R) Sportsgirl Instant Bronze Shimmering Creme, Nivea Sun Daily Face Veil, Face of Australia
Triple Action nail enamel, St. Tropez Instant Glow Face Lotion, Estée Lauder Gloss |
'Tis my bag and it's new Summery (winter) contents that I will be loving like i've never loved anything before**.
Wanna know WHY I'm using these prodz this year?
You don't?
I.don' Ima tell you anyway!
Since all this Twilight mumbo jumbo, apparently it's, like, uber cool to look like a vampire. (I believe they are renaming the song "The Lady is a Tramp" to "The Lady is a Vamp" just based on the popularity of vampires these days). However, ivory white, is just not my bag baby. Some people rock it, I do not. So this summer (for some reason, it just feels weird calling it summer) I will stop at nothing to look brown, brown and blu- I mean brown.
If you are anything like me, you will suck at self-spray tans. And if you are a uni student, you won't be able to afford to get a profesh to do it for you. And if you are anything like my friends, you will be too busy applying your own flawless tans to help a pale gal out. I have the solution! Wash off body tan! I have NEVER (maybe once) came across a problem with Sportsgirl and St. Tropez's wash off cremes and when teamed with sun block underneath, you are not only looking like a bronzed goddess, but you are protecting yourself from the sun. (Just got a big tick there from the Skin-Cancer-Prevention God)
Pink nails? CUTE! I'm not a big pink person. I wouldn't even call myself a miniscule pink person, but I think this shade by Face of Australia would go loverly with a tan (there I go again, alllways about the tan) and when you slip on some gloss, you're set!
Snow, here I come!
Laters ya Smell
*Zoe Foster is one of the best writers out there, in my opinion, so thankyou for even calling me an impostor!
**Except Wayne's World. And chocolate. And those little water drop things that florists put on fake flowers. I really love those.