Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Happy Australia Day dear Smellies.

Today has to the be the most scandalous, stereotyped and criticised day of the year (after Boxing Day of course, that holiday always gets the masses riled up).

But I don't see the fuss. To me, Australia Day is a day where you can do all the while celebrating the fact that we all live/once lived in the best country in the world. It shouldn't matter whether you were born here, whether you live here at the moment or whether you drink beer, Straya Day is probably the best day of the year to relax with friends, in a blow up pool while listening to Triple J without the need to buy anyone a Christmas present.

I have to admit, I am a little annoyed by the criticisms poor Straya Day faces. It is know for its flag-toting, Southern Cross Tat wearing, Mullet wielding bogans that think they own the coutnry while every other nationality has to stay inside. It's so ridonkulous! I saw a tweet from a young Muslim woman last week that went something along the lines of she doesn't go outside on Australia Day for obvious reasons. What a sad day it is when innocent people are too scared to leave the house for fear of a race attack. Australia Day has a different meaning to everyone, but if it only involved racism to those you believe to not be 'Australian', go get a Lamington up ya. (Allowed ONE bogan 'up ya' saying on Aus Day, there goes mine)

Who do some Australians think that they can deny another Australian the chance to celebrate their country, just because they may have been born in another, or follow a religion other than Catholic.I'd be annoyed if I were an Australian citizen yet because I was once a citizen of Venus that I was not allowed to partake in Australia Day celebrations. I believe there is this saying, "The more the merrier" or something like that. I would also be an alien, and could just zap you all with my eye-rays.

Before this opinion piece turns into something overly political, I just want to wish each and every person who loves Australia, a very happy Australia Day. May your day be filled with laughter, friends and good times, because tomorrow we all go back to work!

Tell me, what are you doing today?

Smell ya later

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Farewell, for the time being

Morning Smellies!

I do apologise for my lack of contact with the Smelly-World. I'm staying at my dads atm and I have a crapful internet connection on my laptop. It will get better once I return to uni and the promise of lightening fast internet!

One excuse that will ring true for my silence is the fact that I am going on holidays tomorrow (I can only start using this excuse tomorrow) to Hamilton Island with the boyf.

I am wishing you all a very happy next week and if any of my readers are currently affected by the floods, I hope you, your family and your loved ones come out completely unscathed, healthy and happy.

Smell ya later

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Okay, not really breaking, but i've just heard the news!

Lauren Conrad has ditched her trademark blonde locks and opted for a warm, rich chocolate brown with some subtle highlights around her face and through the lengths.

My gosh, do I love it.

New Look courtesy of

It's a funny coincidence, I have a hair appointment on Friday and I am looking to go different, perhaps brunette. Let's just say, Ms. Conrad's hue is definitely getting my attention...

Smell ya later

Graduation (Friends Forever)

No, this post isn't about that Vitamin C song played at every school social.

Many say a transition into a successful career in magazines is one of the trickiest things to conquer and for any of my older readers that have just finished uni, deferring or even just wanting to try something new, job interviews seem scarier than a broken GHD. (A broken GHD is plenty scary, trust me).

Mid last year, I was asked by my university's PR Club to write them a story about how to ace That Job Interview and also as I graduate at the end of this year, I thought I could learn a thing or two about decreasing my chances of having to apply for a waitressing job come graduation. (No offence to any waitresses, I just suck at carrying things with my feeble, small person hands).

Here's the original article, resurrected to help any Smellies who are stressing a tad at the prospect of diving into the world of glossies.

Think your uni grades will land you your dream job? Believe you have got what it takes to snatch That  Job with your High Distinction grades from Annie Average who has been an intern for years? Think again. Mel Evans chats to the editor of DOLLY magazine, Tiffany Dunk, and discovers that practical experience is more important than breakfast.

It’s a common misconception that marks are what counts for a job in the journalism and PR world, however, unless you are blitzing your classes, leaving a trail of smoke in your wake (and even then), it will be tough to beat those who have a little work experience under their belt. 

“I wouldn’t even look at someone without practical experience. The world of magazines is very different from when I got in 15 years ago with a bit of persistence and not even a degree, but these days you need qualifications and experience to show you have a proven track record,” Tiffany says.

Dolly Ed, Tiff

And she’s right! (“Well der,” I hear you jibe, “otherwise you wouldn’t be interviewing her”). More and more bosses are looking for experience over qualifications these days. But where does that leave the students that haven’t dipped their foot in the metaphorical pool of practical knowledge (or the ones that want to take a dive)?

“Work experience is the number one way to get ahead," says Tiffany. "Even a week during uni holidays- you can get your foot in the door and impress the right people. Obviously someone might not look at your emails without meeting you, but making those contacts and continually hitting them up is something I would encourage people to do.”

Even if you are only months away from graduation [You have probably already graduated now] you should still try and gain some valuable on the job training. Tiffany firmly believes it is never too late to ring up a magazine, newspaper or PR firm and request some work experience- especially if you are passionate about it. And keep on with those emails!

“You may feel like you’re being annoying but persistence will pay off.  I’ve seen people consistently apply for jobs and aren’t really right at the time, but they keep applying and eventually i'll have a meeting with them or possibly i'll put them forward for another job within the company. If you’re given a firm ‘no’ you’re given a firm ‘no’, but don’t give up- and try new avenues,” confirms Tiffany.

Have a geez at these fun facts Tiff says are the key to making sure you are pulling the right strings.

DO be extremely pleasant to those lower on the food chain. “Don’t waste time sucking up to the editor, it’s the juniors that will give you a helping hand.”
DO be polite and dress appropriately for the environment.
DO absolutely anything. Coffee runs and photocopying aren’t totally glam, but think about the tasks you will be given in the future:  “If you show enthusiasm people will give you more interesting jobs to do based on your attitude."
DO watch what you say and keep confidential info private. Spreading office gossip on Facebook is a one way ticket to ‘Out-of-Work-Town (it’s a legit town, I swear). “Once I heard an intern had posted some catty comments about an employee. Not only was she asked to leave but word spread, so she effectively killed her chances of getting in anywhere that may have heard”.
DON’T act like you know everthing. “When people show you they are quite eager to learn it makes you want to teach them more.”

What about nailing the all important job interview and CV?
“Come in with a confident attitude and look the person in the eye. We understand you are nervous but I’m surprised by how many people can’t look me in the eye! I’m also amazed at how many girls come in to me and they haven’t actually picked up a copy of DOLLY.  So do your research before coming in.”
Tiffany believes keeping your CV to a short one or two pages is the key to having yours read over someone else’s Resume Essay. “Don’t put in your year ten work experience if its not relevant to that job, it just becomes white noise.

“As a common rule of thumb, just have your necessaries- qualifications, work experience and just a little bit about you as a person. Keep it simple and short, then you can go to town (but not overboard) in your cover letter. Make yourself stand out without looking like a loony-tune.”

So there you have it- some honest tips from someone with years and years of experience in hiring graduates. Now you will have NO excuse for not nabbing that job. Goddit?! Good.

Smell ya later

I've hit 1000

Page hits that is.

This is my baby blog, (sounds soooo wrong!) and I haven't been up and running for that long- nor gained a big following yet. But yesterday Whos That Smell hit 1000 page views.

This makes me happy!

Here are some of my friends celebrating my milestone

Katy sent me this pic from her tour bus, after she heard the news

Linds toasts Whosthatsmell, what a cool girl

Blake just heard the good news. What a great galpal

Smell ya later

p.s. leaving uni this year and want a career in mags? Stay posted for my interview with Dolly editor Tiffany Dunk and her tips on getting a career.  To be posted later today! x

Just a spoonful of sugar

So this is harder than I expected! I want to take good photos for my (two) readers and I want to make this list worth not waiting the whole month to complete. I'm impatient, have I told you that?

So here are a few lines crossed off Rinniez 30 day challenge.

A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

My day was lazy and fabulous! I had one annoyance of the day however- the lady at the cafe I frequent back home could hardly call my sandwich an egg and lettuce. More like "would you like some egg with your lettuce sanga?" I like my egg and I like it thick! (I believe there was a movie directed by Clint Eastwood of the same name). Apart from that I lounged around my house like a sloth, did not attempt to clean my room (sorry Ma), thought how funny it was that now i'm home for the holidays I am told to clean my room again and I went out for dinner with some friends.

How was your day?

A photo of something you ate today.

Doritos. Hey, i'm holidays. (Best excuse in the book, and just because I am on holidays more than I am at uni, does not mean I will stop using it whenever possible.)

Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

This was taken of my bestie, Jane, at the 21st I couldn't go to. Remember my story? This pic pretty much sums up Plaino's personality. She is the most fun loving and carefree girl I know. She is also really good at painting, horse riding and fire breathing. I lie. I can't back that up. She is crap at horse riding.

A photo of yourself two years ago.

This was taken on Australia Day Eve at our annual ADES (Australia Day Eve Selebrations) Party. I was about to embark on a long distance relationship, leave home and move to uni. I was about to learn a lot!

What's in your makeup bag.

My make up bag is in shambles. It really is. And this is only the bag I take with me everywhere with my essentials- i've still got another bag just full of going-out make up (I'll make a great beauty editor one day...) Also, I think I like bronze? I see a giant bronzer and a small one and a face tanner all next to each other. Twilight takeover, my arse!

Your celebrity crush.

Jared Followill- bass player for King of Leon, Smell's celebrity crush since Youth and Young Manhood.

I'm going to leave on that good note.

Smell ya later

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year. New Camera

Ah, hurro there!

My good friend Rin over at (go visit, you'll like her too) has given herself a 30 day challenge.

See it here

This is my version

Day 1 - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today.
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago. (Obv. cannot be taken on my BSNC [Brand Spankin' New Canon])
Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet. (Nup, not on my BSNC)Day 7 - Your dream wedding. (Or this one)Day 8 - A song to match your mood.
Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 - What's in your makeup bag.
Day 12 - A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 - Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to.
Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without.
Day 16 - Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 - A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 - Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 - Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 - 15 facts about you.
Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 - What's in your purse?
Day 26 - A photo of somewhere you've been to.
Day 27 - A picture of you last year and now and how you changed since then? (Not on my BSNC, not even a little bit)Day 28 - Your favorite movie.
Day 29 - Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 - A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.

Now, my loverly Boyf gave me a brand spankin' new Canon camera for Christmas and gosh darnit, I wan't to use the crap outta that thing! So i've given myself a challenge. To do the tasks above No shortcuts here. No sir. Each photo must be true and taken on my new camera.

Let's see how I go.

Wish me luck! (When you get back to reading this, of course, because you are all over at Rinniez reading up on her life at the mo, aren't you.)

That's right.

Smell ya later

My look of the year and the night I accidentally copied it

Pic: Getty

See, told you I liked the look. Can't believe you thought I was lying.

Smell ya later

P.S. I scored a sahweeeet Japanese parasol and vintage glomesh clutch  today, since my 'rents are packing up and leaving home (life was never good to me, leaving home, I smell the morning air...) . Will it be blogged? By golly gosh it will be! Asap!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

But she is classy and refined...

As with all New Year's celebrations, comes the annual hate or rate lists.

Best Dressed. Worst Dressed. Best Hair. Worst Hair. Best 1976 Roadstar Bicycle. Worst 1976 Roadstar Bicycle.

And for the year 2010, guess who was voted worst dressed on

Yep, you guessed it. Kermit.

Just tricking! It was the girl who stole my hairstyle- remember Ke$ha's replica of my hair?

Let's take a walk down memory lane, the lane that was 2010. A year so long ago.

Snaps courtesy of and other blogs

Kinda must admit, i'm a little jealous. I look like that normally, but I don't get millions for it. Hymph.

Happy new year Smellies!

Smell ya later