Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas my dear Smellies. Have a jolly memorable day and don't forget to keep  the festivities flowin' for New Years!

Drink too much. Eat too much. Be TOO merry. Heck, it's Christmas, go all out like it's 1999. I was nine then, I knew how to get down and partay.

Smell ya later

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Summer sorted...when it arrives

How about this weather?! (Weather chat, eh, it's like we are on our first date). 

 Apparently it's Summer? HA, I didn't know either! (Sorry, by writing "ha" do I sound too much like a "Lame Zoe Foster Impostor" to you, dear anonymous commenter?)* Mother Nature sure has her sad face on as of late, tops of 20, lows of 14, and it snowed at Thredbo. 

Instead of going to the beach, I just plan on skiing all Summer. 'Twill be grande!

What am I packing for my days at the snow, I hear you ask? 

What a great question! I was actually going to write a blog post about what I will pack in my handbag, come Snow Day. Now I definitely will.

(L-R) Sportsgirl Instant Bronze Shimmering Creme, Nivea Sun Daily Face Veil, Face of Australia
Triple Action nail enamel, St. Tropez Instant Glow Face Lotion, Estée Lauder Gloss

'Tis my bag and it's new Summery (winter) contents that I will be loving like i've never loved anything before**.

Wanna know WHY I'm using these prodz this year? 
You don't?
 I.don' Ima tell you anyway! 

Since all this Twilight mumbo jumbo, apparently it's, like, uber cool to look like a vampire. (I believe they are renaming the song "The Lady is a Tramp" to "The Lady is a Vamp" just based on the popularity of vampires these days). However, ivory white, is just not my bag baby. Some people rock it, I do not. So this summer (for some reason, it just feels weird calling it summer) I will stop at nothing to look brown, brown and blu- I mean brown.

If you are anything like me, you will suck at self-spray tans. And if you are a uni student, you won't be able to afford to get a profesh to do it for you. And if you are anything like my friends, you will be too busy applying your own flawless tans to help a pale gal out. I have the solution! Wash off body tan! I have NEVER (maybe once) came across a problem with Sportsgirl and St. Tropez's wash off cremes and when teamed with sun block underneath, you are not only looking like a bronzed goddess, but you are protecting yourself from the sun. (Just got a big tick there from the Skin-Cancer-Prevention God)

Pink nails? CUTE! I'm not a big pink person. I wouldn't even call myself a miniscule pink person, but I think this shade by Face of Australia would go loverly with a tan (there I go again, alllways about the tan) and when you slip on some gloss, you're set!

Snow, here I come!

Laters ya Smell

*Zoe Foster is one of the best writers out there, in my opinion, so thankyou for even calling me an impostor!
**Except Wayne's World. And chocolate. And those little water drop things that florists put on fake flowers. I really love those.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All I want for Christmas...

Is you.

Ha!  Fooled you.

The Festive Season is my favourite. The Colours! The merriment! The food! The weight put-on! Wait.

Last year I was stumped for what I wanted for Christmas, but this year I have really thought about my wish-list and know just exactly what I want. This can go two ways:

I either get something that I wished for
I get none of what I wished for (I think it may be this one...)

To get into the spirit, today I got a pedi and lathered a Chrismassy Red over my toes...well, just the nails, really.

WOULD post a pic of my toes but
A). Not a fan of my feet- neither would you be
B). Floods = mozzies = mel-looks-like-she-has-a-skin-condition

So a pic of the colour will have to do

OPI in Affair In Red Square

What are you wishing for for Christmas? Here is my list

Marc Jacobs Daisy Perfume Ring $65

Olympus Mocca Digital Compact Camera $149
Ray Ban Wayfarer Tortoise Shell Aboooout $230

So message to my family:

Looooooove you!

Smell ya later

Sunday, December 12, 2010

City vs Country

As you guys know, its uni holidays and i'm back home in Cowra for a week (it also flooded, rendering all roads out of town underwater, aquatic wonderlands).

The weekend just been I went out with some old High School Chums (ha! it spells HSC) and it's just amazing how different city clubs are from Ye Olde Cowra bars.

Let me begin with the negatives of why going out in the Motherland is a bit tricky

Pre Drinks must start swiftly after breakfast

Pre drinks are kinda the thing that makes the night. You are either asleep from boredom, passed out from going too hard too soon or up for one helluva night! Then there is this thing called a curfew. You know, the thing many city bars are wanting to bring in, prompting Kyle Scandi-Who-Gives-A-Shit to get the strops and call Clover Moore an old bat or something. Well, Cowra has an 11pm curfew. This curfew actually prompted a friend yesterday to suggest we start drinking at 1pm. (1pm?!! That's cah-raazy! You might as well go to the pub sober you are cutting it so fine)

Just having some pre drinks with the gals (C. Jack Moebes)

Lack of taxis

Abundance of street thugs.
Need I say more?

Now let me regale you with why Cowra is conveniently convenient

No Drink Lines

We all know (those readers under 18, you will MOST CERTAINLY NOT know) how annoying it can be to get a drink at a club. You rock up lookin' all fine only to sweat off half your makeup waiting half an hour to get drink in hand. I am quite familiar with the get-your-drink-then-go-to-the-back-of-the-line-and-wait-with-said-drink trick during $2 Power Hour (uni = love). Cowra, abandon ALL thought of any line whatsoever. Last night I actually complained about waiting behind one person to get my White Russian. Reality check ensues on return to The Nation's Capital.

DISCLAIMER: Does not apply to Easter and Christmas Eve. Trust me.

No 'No Shoes' rule

This can be a little problematic (beer + carpet = grooooooss) but amazing at the same time (the lack of rule that is, not the carpet). When one cannot let go of the need to be 5 inches taller, feet can be on fire after ten minutes of dancing (15 if wearing wedges). Out in Cowra? Problem solved! Just pull off your pair of pumps and put them in the Shoe Corner with the shoes of every other girl in the pub.

DISCLAIMER: Only applied to cheaper Death Stilts. Leave the Mollini and Miu Miu firmly on the foot, gosh-darnit!

Gaga should have put her shoes in the corner

Small town = walking distance to home

Convenient, however please refer to second point.

Smell ya later

Friday, December 10, 2010

Can I just say...

How crappy does the world feel when you suddenly realise people are looking at you like you are a prehistoric cave-woman with no mirror. (Oh, this doesn't happen to you? Awkward...)

That's right, I have fallen victim to overgrown eyebrows.

Since moving to Canberra at the start of last year I simply resist to let anyone touch my eyebrows other than my trusty beautician back home. (Cara from Dream Body Retreat FYI). And, let me tell you- between uni, my part time job and my weekly jaunt to Sydney to intern at this amazingly cool and uber-chic magazine that just bursts with sunshine and laughter, I don't have time to scratch myself (ha! of course I do) let alone travel back home to get hot wax smothered above my eye.

There lies my problem. And a nasty uni-brow sitch.

So yesterday I FINALLY got my brows professionally shaped and looking spick and span and I just feel like a new woman. I just had to share that all with you! I'm not someone that has a weekly facial, or even exfoliates as much as I should, BUT I love nothing more than having my eyebrows look more beauty than Bart Cummins.

What is your way of boosting your face morale when you're feeling like a cave-woman?

Smell ya later

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Two down, one to go

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Hi there Smellies!

So, another year of uni down the drain (and by drain I totes mean, locked into the brains trust). And while I sit here watching old episodes of Sex and the City (the one where Samantha has sex) in my loungeroom back home, I figured I best say hello to all my readers!

So hello, Rin!

Just me studying in my room at Uni

Seriously though, I must say hello to my dear, dear friend, Jane, who is having her 21st on Saturday night. Y'see, where I am currently sitting, Cowra, I am surrounded by many a floodwater blocking me from her partay (I hear it will go off like it's 1969), so while I am happy as Larry chillaxing in my home away from studying, I am pretty darn piased I can't be celebrating with Jane. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE AND HAVE A GREAT PARTY!

That's my home in the middle there, pretty flooded, eh?

But seriously, how darn good is not being at uni. I mean, uni is bitchin' (i'm now an 80's movie star, Molly Ringwald, perhaps), but goddddddarnit I miss home.

So, let me bid you farewell from the cosy recliner I have slept in many a night when Channel [v] have had Muse special's on. Oh look, there is a Muse special on tonight...I know where i'm sleeping.

Smell ya later

Friday, December 3, 2010

My life in Hipstamatic

Follow my blog with bloglovin
I was temporarily in an Alfred Hitchcock movie

According to new research, red lips ARE sexy (boyf, you were wrong)

Smell ya later

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ke$ha stole her hair from me...

However I stole it from 80's punks. So really, we are merely recycling a hairstyle, but she totally stole it.


Check out Ke$sha (k that's just shtoopid, I really feel like an idiot typing her name with a $) at the US Weekly Hot Hollywood party...

Hair on the brain

And check out moi at Jess McKellar's 18th birthday party in 2008

The theme is 'Punk' just in case you were wondering whether I run around looking like this normally

Mine's better right?

Damn straight it is!

Take that, KeSha

Smell ya later

Saturday, November 27, 2010


It's Summer.

I don't care what the calendar says...

What are you most looking forward to doing over Summer?

Smell ya later.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How crummy must Taylor Momsen feel

Dear T-Mum.

You used to be SO cute! What happened? The wholesome image not doin' it for ya, eh?

I found an old ad of you when you were a young whippersnapper.

You were cute.

You didn't look like a tramp.

You didn't look like a panda skeleton.

Check out this cute as a pie Taylor Momsen back in the day when she was the star of a Shake N Bake commercial.

Now look at her...

Hmm a lot has changed! I kinda liked her before...she can come and make Shake N Bake at mine anytime! (Do we have Shake N Bake in Australia?)

What do you guys think of T-Mum's not so new look?
Hate or rate?
(Keep in mind she is like 12 years old)
Later ya smell

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why I love Zoe Collins

So you all know Res Ball is coming up.

You don't?

Res Ball is coming up. Now you do.

You have all seen my dress.

You haven't?

See it here.

Anyhoo, the whole point of this blog is to see what colours should go with this amazement of a dress.

All of the prodz about to be shown are courtesy of the amazing beauty writer at Dolly mag, Zoe Collins, who is just so amazing to me. She lets me play with make-up and I can claim it all under 'serious work'. Gosh I love my internship! Well I went to Zo yesterday sulking of my minimal fun make-up predicament. Her eyes lit up and her voice went higher than ever as she rummaged through her endless supplies to find me a coral lip stick and search of her nail polish collection.

psst: you should also get to her blog quicksticks at

Have you done it yet? Idiot, I said, quicksticks!

Here are my lips- these are staying, no ifs and or butts.

Moi wears Maybelline stick in 'Coral Crush'

But what to do for nails?

Here are the options
L-R: China Glaze in 'Grape Pop', TBN in 'Coral Coast', Natio in 'Adore', Face of Australia in 'Lady in Red', Australis in 'Peek-a-boo', Natio in 'French' and Australis in 'Sweet Pea'.

Let the comments flow.

Smell ya later

Thursday, October 28, 2010

GTL Baby?

Most of you know about Jersey Shore, right?

Well for those so unfortunate (or fortunate, not sure) to not know about this genius of a program, Jersey Shore revolves around the lives of a few Guidos and Guidettes who are living in a place on the Jersey Shore and working for a guy in his clothes shop. Sounds epic, I know.

One of the better known ones, Mike...or 'The Situation' (a self- coined term that refers to his abs in such 6-pack condition it causes a 'Situation') is releasing a book around the start of November. The juicy little name of this literary genius?

'Here's the Situation'.

Yep. The Situa- Mike is releasing a book on what, you ask? Well:

"A Guide to Creeping on Chicks, Avoiding Grenades, and Getting in Your GTL on the Jersey Shore"

I shit you not.

Here is a run down of what the above means (yes I watched the Jersey Shore at was a slow week, ok)

Creeping on chicks: My belief is that in layman's terms this pretty much just means flirting.
Avoiding Grenades: A grenade is most simply, an undesirable bed partner. Say one of the boys wants to take home one girl, but she won't leave without her...not as hot girlfriend. The boy grabs one of his mates, perhaps a wingman, and it is then the wingman's job to take the other girl home- AKA taking a grenade.
GTL: Surely you have all heard about Gym. Tan. Laundry. 'Nuff said.

Here are some amazing Situations from the man himself snatched from

Get Abs-Fabulous: You can "crush chicken parm," he says, but push the pasta to the side or risk substituting the "six-pack for a sick-pack." Get it? Ha! That's a funny situation.

He Digs His Threads: The reality star recommends frequent eyebrow threading because, "When you're creeping on a chick you want her gazing deeply into your haunting eyes, not checking out your bushy brows."

Real-Life Fashion Situation: Sorrentino claims he arrived at New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Spring 2010 Inner Circle Dinner with a big, white security tag still on his jacket. Realizing he looked like a shoplifter, he went topless except for a tie. 

So, now after your little crash course on the Jersey Shore and The Situation, will YOU be buying this classic (to be spoken of in the hallowed halls of institutions such as Oxford along the same literary lines as Hemingway and Austen?)

Anyway, it's Stonefest and i'm tired and want to go to bed. (I fail as a uni student)

Smell ya later.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Lady goes GaGa...agagagain

Remembe when Lady GaGa died her hair grey?

Okay, here is a recap:

Well then she died her hair pink...I think...perhaps that was before the grey, I just can't keep up with her shenanigans.

Anyway, Lady GaGa has gone back to her grey roots grandma style and paid homage to her beloved geriatric-flavoured style.

She should call herself Lady Crazy...ha.ha.ha. I am so amazingly funny for a Monday, right?!


What do you guys think of the Lady's hairstyle?

Rate or hate?

Be honest...she won't bite...she probably doesn't even read this blog...

Smell ya later

Friday, October 22, 2010

Someone's got detention now...

In the latest thing to piss parents off (PPO), GQ has come under fire after its 'racy' shoot involving Glee gals Lea Michele and Dianna Agron.

They were steamy, naked, touching each other while licking whipped cream off  each other's fingers.

Now, if that was the case then DERRRR parents would be piiiised awwwff.
But no, they were posing on the front cover with co-star Corey Monteith looking still relatively OK minus the locker-room underwear.

Doesn't Mr. Monteith look chuffed
Okay, the cover isn't what got parental blood boiling.

This didn't help
Gosh, check out Lea Michele's constant saucy lip. I'm not talking about the colour of her lip stick, this girl sure knows how to PPO and amp up her sultry image, like, 78534 per cent. Take some notes off Dianna, you are not known for your sexual prowess, so stop trying to look like a Playboy Bunny and SMILE A LITTLE!

Let's remark on the way in which PPO occured.

Here is Lea as Rachel. Innocent, sing like a mofo, high-schooler, Glee Club hearting, Rachel.

Now here is suggestively licking lolly-pop, how-did-I-end-up-at-my-school-locker-without-my-pants-whoops, Lea.

See why parents are spitting chips?

I dunno what all the fuss is about really. Here we have two girls (and a guy...and a pizza place) who are NOT in high school. So what if they portray 17 year olds...Dianna's character Quinn last season.

Gosh...she can give birth but when she wears lovely underwear in a men's mag THATS when the parent's come knocking. And do the parents not care about Lea's tattoos?

What do you smelly people think?
Should parents be Pised Awf?
Or does it really matter because it's not like the majority of kids that watch Glee will pick up GQ, flip through and lose their shit?

By all means, lend me your comments.
Smell ya later

All pics from UK Daily Mail

Friday, October 15, 2010

Get your ball on

One of the best things about living on res?

Communal showers?
Drunken people knocking on your window. On a Tuesday night. At 4.30 am?
Res Ball?

YES! I was wondering when you would guess!

Each year there is a ball where those that live on campus get extra jazzed up, GHD their hair like never before, then get absolutely, unbelievably, unfathomably shit.faced. (sorry mum)

My girls at last years ball (I was the amazing photographer)

However- the worst part about living on res?

Finding the PERFECT res ball dress. 
Actually, thats hardly the WORST thing. It's probably one of the most fun. What a doofus.

Which brings me to my next pic: my twenty-ten res ball dress
Isn't she ama.zing?!!

You will soon learn, young smell-hopper that I am not black-wearing-ball-attending kinda gal. I go for the exciting and the floral. FLORAL is my FAVOURITE thing to wear. Capitals tell you its the truth as I can hardly contain my excitement at this dress. I made approximately 538 spellings boo-boos just then because my fingers can hardly remain attached to the brain nerves.

And just to get more in the mood, my friend Lexie tonight decided to get into the ball spirit and wear a ball gown to KFC. Oh, I have some super wacky friends. Their wackieness just puzzles me.
Lexie rocking KFC ball style, but keepin' it real in a hoody
There you have it.
What do you think of my ball dress?
What is your favourite way to get in the mood for a special occasion?
Share the love! I'd love to hear from you!
Mslle ay  Rlate

Oh, and PEE ESS, wanna see my amazing birthday cake?
Well you can't see the WHOLE thing. My lovely friend Margot ate a quarter of it while she was...lets say...drunk. Yep. As a skunk.
It was still delicious!

Thanks Margot

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What a Smelly birthday


So on the 12th I turned the big 2-0 (not that big really!) and it was simply one of the best birthdays ive ever had! I had a shit tonne of assessments to do, and I had class 10-3.30 on the actual day- but it was still amazing for some reason!

Then last night I hit the Lighthouse (pretty much UC's version of uni bar) and celebrated in epic style with my nearest and dearest!

Margot, Ellen, Me and Mon pre-drinking

It's funny, I always thought I wouldn't feel any different leaving my teens behind and turning 20- but actually, at risk of sounding corny, I actually feel a little grown up! BIG thing- i'm one of the most hypo people you will ever meet, and at my short 158cms I really do look like a 12 year old.

So, i've stolen a little "getting to know you quiz" from my amazing friend Rin at to mark my 20-ness. Think of it like a bit of a new-age-blog time capsule- let's see if anything has changed in a few years!

1. where are you from and where do you call "home"?
I was born in Canberra but when my parents separated when I was two my mum and I moved to a small country town in the central west called Cowra. I lived there until I was 18 when I moved back to Canberra to go to uni! 

My dad still lives down here so I guess I call his place home. I slightly call res home, but most of all Cowra is my home.

View from my 'thinking rock' in Cowra

2. What is your favourite pizza topping?
I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE BBQ chicken and bacon but recently my boyf and I discovered this amazing Italian eatery called (do I dare advertise?!) Little San Severo. My absolute favourite pizza from there is a seafood one and I can eat the whole thing nearly...attractive, right?

Love/hate relationship
3. Where is your ideal holiday destination?
Somewhere rich with history. I can't wait to explore Europe, but so far i've frequented the islands of New Caledonia.
My favourite of these is Vanuatu. I've been there about three times and love the laid back atmosphere and blue, warm, amazing water and sea-life.

Vanuatu, Google style from

4. Where do you want to be in 10 years time?
Sitting in my office editing a successful magazine with an amazing, inspiring staff surrounding me and a supportive dude that doesn't get angry when I rush out the door at seven am and return at midnight on deadline.

I've made a promise to myself to be an editor by my 27th birthday. I've been interning since June 2009 at a mag at ACP and straight after uni I plan to jump straight into making my promise come true.

Kids can happen sometime after that. No biggie.

5. What would you do on your perfect Sunday?
NOT catch a 3 hour bus to Sydney. BUT because I love my internship, the bus comes with it.
On the Sundays I don't catch my bus, I would love to lazily wake up and just hang out with my friends. Eat some greasy food to quell the pain of the night before and laze around on the grass. in the sun. listening to tunes. laughing. poking little childre--I  mean, loving life.

Lazy Sundays

6. Tell me something random about yourself.
This is my generic answer:

I can fit my whole fist in my mouth. I either have an abnormally small hand or an abnormally large mouth- I think its a bit of both.

Tell me what are your hopes for the future, your favourite things to do and what makes you smile on the inside and out.

Smell ya later

Monday, October 11, 2010

Back to basics

Ahoi Smellies!

I'm happy this morning. Is it because i'm handing in completed assessments on time? Hardly. Because I just indulged in some delicious strawberry yogurt? Nope!

I am rejoicing in the fact that fresh-faced beauty (apart from a random deep berry lip, which is still oh-so-chic) is bigger than ice-cream in summer.

Sure there may a dramatic eye every now and then, but the general feel is nude lip, slightly bronzed cheeks, a subtle coat of mascara and not much else!

Check out these, snatched from my favourites at

D&G Milan SS '11 Top plus below

Donna Karan New York SS '11
Max Mara Milan SS '11
Moschino Milan SS '11
Pucci Milan SS '11

Smell ya later

Friday, October 8, 2010

Why is procrastinating so damn amazing?

I got back to uni yesterday and STILL haven't unpacked one.bit.of.luggage.

Not one pair of underwear, not one pillowslip, heck, not even my GHD.

I rang my boyf to stay at his place so I didn't have to put the doona back in the doona cover.

Why do we do this? When something pressing comes up, why do we by pass it instead of getting it over and done with asap? If I just put up with 10 minutes of annoyance, I would not be faced with a mountain of clothes, bedding and towels to unpack before I go to bed tonight.
I was going to post a pic of my room here, but as I noted in my first post- I want you to like me! A picture will only cause you all to tut tut and look upon me with utmost contempt. Not.wanted.

So here I pose a question to all those that read this (if anyone does yet, I really need to start spreading the smelly gospel more).

What do you procrastinate about?

Oh yeah, and i'm also meant to be writing two essays right now instead of blogging...damn procrastination!

Smell ya later.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Braid Me Up

What better way to end Paris Fashion Week than with braids, braids and more braids!

I love braids! The dullest of hair types can pull of a braid and it doesn't matter if they are messy, neat or deliberately wayward, I have never met a braid I didn't like.

My fave you ask? Why, it has to be the fringe braid. Recently I was growing out my fringe and there are only so many head bands you can wear to keep pesky strands off your face.

LC rockin' the braided fringe

You can either start from one ear and braid hair around to the other ear, or you can start a palm's width up along the hair line.

Start  by grabbing a small section of hair and braid around, incorporating hair into the braid from the hair line only. (I find that if you gather hair from both sides of the plait you can go a bit wonky and off course.

Secure with some bobby pins, or braid it under the hair and fasten with an elastic/include it into a ponytail.


Now, have a squiz at Paris'  version of the braid...courtesy of

Pics playing up...will try again after work...blahh technology!
Smell ya later

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome to Polyvore!

Welcome to Polyvore!
Welcome to Polyvore! by Who's that Smell? on

Here i've had a little toggle around after getting some inspiration from

Whaddaya think?