Well for those so unfortunate (or fortunate, not sure) to not know about this genius of a program, Jersey Shore revolves around the lives of a few Guidos and Guidettes who are living in a place on the Jersey Shore and working for a guy in his clothes shop. Sounds epic, I know.
One of the better known ones, Mike...or 'The Situation' (a self- coined term that refers to his abs in such 6-pack condition it causes a 'Situation') is releasing a book around the start of November. The juicy little name of this literary genius?
'Here's the Situation'.
Yep. The Situa- Mike is releasing a book on what, you ask? Well:
"A Guide to Creeping on Chicks, Avoiding Grenades, and Getting in Your GTL on the Jersey Shore"
I shit you not.
Here is a run down of what the above means (yes I watched the Jersey Shore at uni...it was a slow week, ok)

Creeping on chicks: My belief is that in layman's terms this pretty much just means flirting.
Avoiding Grenades: A grenade is most simply, an undesirable bed partner. Say one of the boys wants to take home one girl, but she won't leave without her...not as hot girlfriend. The boy grabs one of his mates, perhaps a wingman, and it is then the wingman's job to take the other girl home- AKA taking a grenade.
GTL: Surely you have all heard about Gym. Tan. Laundry. 'Nuff said.
Here are some
Get Abs-Fabulous: You can "crush chicken parm," he says, but push the pasta to the side or risk substituting the "six-pack for a sick-pack." Get it? Ha! That's a funny situation.
He Digs His Threads: The reality star recommends frequent eyebrow threading because, "When you're creeping on a chick you want her gazing deeply into your haunting eyes, not checking out your bushy brows."
Real-Life Fashion Situation: Sorrentino claims he arrived at New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Spring 2010 Inner Circle Dinner with a big, white security tag still on his jacket. Realizing he looked like a shoplifter, he went topless except for a tie.
So, now after your little crash course on the Jersey Shore and The Situation, will YOU be buying this classic (to be spoken of in the hallowed halls of institutions such as Oxford along the same literary lines as Hemingway and Austen?)
Anyway, it's Stonefest and i'm tired and want to go to bed. (I fail as a uni student)
Smell ya later.
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