Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dear University...

You are wearing thin.

Yes, I still love you, but I'm just not in love with you anymore. You tricked me into giving away all my emotions and my heart wholly with your first year course load. Yes, you did warn me you would only turn mean after a while, and yes, you did make me pay for my textbooks on several occasions without offering to at least pay half. But I thought we had something real. Something that would last.

Soldier's goodbye & Bobbie the cat, ca. 1939-ca. 1945 / by Sam Hood
University and I during happier times

My love for you was always going to be temporary, I know that, we knew that. But I fear, with only 'til December until I leave you permanently, I just have no more love for you.

You kinda make my head hurt. You make all your assessments due at the same time and you don't even hug me when I cry about this. You just point to your stupid unit guide and shrug.

Your buildings are also hurtful. They punish me when I go in to do some extra work on Sunday mornings by setting off alarms that prompt ex-pro-wrestlers to interrogate me. I'm 5 foot 1, what am I possibly going to steal from the computer labs at warp speed? You never stuck up for me.

Although I love your residences, I just feel I need a bit of time apart from you for the moment. That's why i'm going to Noosa this week to hang out with ma mamma at home. That's right, I think we should see other people for a little bit.

I'm sure we will have it all worked out by the time week nine comes along. I just know it.

God help me when I get a full-time job.

Smell ya later

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